Gilgamesh Trailer and Premiere Date

Not too long ago we had the first teaser trailer for this upcoming sci-fi horror, and now the full Gilgamesh trailer has been released along with news of the premiere. Joseph R. Gannascoli, Melantha Blackthorne, and Chaunty Spillane star in this dystopian story of a Communist takeover and the rise of Gilgamesh. Writer/director Richard Chandler (Sons of PerditionHeaven and Hell) also makes an appearance in the film. Check out the details below, give the new full trailer a watch, and keep a close eye on the Boston Film Family’s Facebook page (linked below) for more details on the November 20th premiere.

From the press release:

Gilgamesh is a sci-fi/horror thriller that is set in a futuristic and political world, and will premiere around the Boston, MA area on November 20th, 2014. This is director Richard Chandler’s fifth indie feature, following Our Kingdom Come, Sons of Perdition, Heaven and Hell, Legless, Scrooge in the Hood, and the web series Boston Massacre.

The production company, Boston Film Family, has reached out to local talent as well as Joe Gannascoli (Vito from the Sopranos) and genre favorite, Melantha Blackthorne. The film is to be a combination of Doctor Strange Love and Dunwich Horror. A gripping political drama set in a world on the brink of disaster; Gilgamesh promises to showcase humanity at its worse in this grim and bloody tale. Also starring Joshua Davis, Emily Coleman, Oselito Joseph, Jon Pierce, Richard Chandler, Ray Hyrb, Emile Faith Lewis, Giancarlo Madonnini, Joe Victor, James Baker, Matt Colicci, Carver Riot, Lilith Astaroth, Sarah Michelle, and many more.

Synopsis from the press release:

A military expedition in Siberia gone wrong. The existence of humanity is in peril as Inanna, Sumerian goddess of lust and war has summoned a giant meteor to destroy the planet, after being accidentally set free from her ancient prison. The government has been overturned in a Communist take-over and the citizens of the world; brainwashed. In humanity’s darkest hour, the ancient entity of Gilgamesh, older than the cosmos themselves, must decide whether or not to serve of mankind’s final hope. Meanwhile, Inanna has hand selected the one man; married man and archaeologist, David Murphy, to live out the rest of eternity with her. Gilgamesh and Inanna are quickly targeted by the new government as potential weapons of mass destruction, and soon the apocalypse has begun.

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Gilgamesh Trailer

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