Kickstart It: North Woods Indiegogo Take 2

We’ve been following indie horror passion project North Woods for well over a year now, and after a failed first run at the crowdfunding thing, the team regrouped, finished shooting, and are now launching this new project in the hopes of covering their post-production costs as well as upping the release. If that doesn’t make these filmmakers’ dedication painfully obvious, then make sure to pay close attention to what Debbie Rochon herself has to say in the North Woods Indiegogo project video.

Backer rewards include anything from lobby cards, 1 or 2 disc DVD copies, behind-the-scenes content, and even up to props from the film and invites to the premiere. Just below you’ll find some details from the project, but definitely give the video a watch, that basically says it all.

From the North Woods Indiegogo project page:

Featuring legendary Indie Horror/B-Movie scream queen, Debbie Rochon, North Woods guarantees you an authentic visceral yet surreal experience, in the vein of directors such as Dario Argento, Sam Raimi, Don Coscarelli & David Lynch, straight from the era where Grindhouse Slashers & Drive-in Horror relentlessly ruled the cinemas!

From within the woods, a blood splattered young man, John Prescott, runs out in front of a car, terrified and muttering gibberish. Enter Dr. Pamela Alley, an esteemed psychiatrist, and Detective Morris, her contact & partner from the local police force, who have just been assigned the boy’s case. As the teen begins telling his diabolical tale of a local weekend vacation gone horribly wrong, it becomes clear that nothing is ever what it seems when a very troubled substitute teacher, with a webbed past of nightmares, emerges as the center of the proceedings. What keys does she hold to the nearly phantasmic events surrounding the area for the last several years?

When it comes to the woods in Brahams County… sometimes digging for answers digs your grave…

…And if you go in… you won’t come out.

Keep up with North Woods here: [button type=”link” link=”” size=”btn-sm” variation=”btn-default” target=”blank”][icons icon=”facebook” size=”15″] Facebook[/button]


North Woods Indiegogo Project Video

NW Through the Mouth - North Woods Indiegogo


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