Doorways The Underworld Released on Steam Today

After a well received launch of Doorways: Chapter 1 and 2 last year, Argentinian game developer Saibot Studios has just launched the third chapter, Doorways the Underworld, today on Steam and Desura. The original found itself among the must-plays for horror fans in 2013, among other favorites like Outlast and Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs. The developers point out that this new release, although it is a third chapter for the Doorways series, can still be played as a stand-alone, so those of you who aren’t familiar with the original can just jump into the new release. And considering it’s only $9.99 right off the bat (and even further discounted at the time of writing this), it’s a no-brainer for fans of the original, and a great starting point for any horror gamer. Check out the details below including the launch trailer, and if you like what you see then head over to the Steam store page to purchase the game.

From the press release:

As a Doorways agent, psychic investigator Thomas Foster trudges through the putrid depths of human depravity to bring the worst criminals to justice, but this mission threatens to be his last.

A first-person horror game, Doorways: The Underworld launches today for PC/Mac/Linux, and is playable as a stand-alone title or an extension of Chapters 1&2.

Synopsis from the press release:

Although known to the public as a charitable NGO, in truth, the Doorways organization is responsible for hunting down extremely dangerous and elusive criminals. As a Doorways agent, Thomas Foster uses his psychic abilities to connect with these criminals and locate them inside surreal realms of the mind.

In order to survive his newest assignment, Foster will be forced to play a deadly game of cat and mouse with the viciously deranged experiments of The Surgeon, and to question the reality of his own psyche.

Keep up with Doorways The Underworld here: [button type=”link” link=”” size=”btn-sm” variation=”btn-default” target=”blank”][icons icon=”globe” size=”15″] Official Site[/button]  [button type=”link” link=”” size=”btn-sm” variation=”btn-default” target=”blank”][icons icon=”globe” size=”15″] Steam Store Page[/button]


Doorways The Underworld Release Trailer

Doorways - The Underworld - Key Art - Wheeler

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