After School Massacre VOD Release Date

Earlier this year we reviewed Frolic Pictures’ step into the slasher genre, Teachers’ Day (review here). Now it’s finally set for a VOD release through Brain Damage Films on November 4th, but has been re-titled After School Massacre. So there’s only a little over a month to wait before diving into this entertaining, exploitative slasher. Come the magic date, the film will be available through many VOD sources, including iTunes, Vudu, Amazon Instant, and cable and satellite VOD channels. Check out the details below, including a brand new trailer and a handful of extra screenshots.

After School Massacre Key ArtFrom the press release:

After School Massacre (previously titled “Teachers’ Day”) is the latest from writer/director Jared Masters (Slink) and his production company, Frolic Pictures.  The film, which was nominated for Best Feature at this year’s Shockfest, is a sure hit among horror fans with its hot pink, ring-pop terror and wanton slaying of beautiful underwear-clad girls!

It stars Nikole Howell, Savannah Matlow, Danika Galindo, Lindsay Lamb, Courtney Rood, Yasmine Soofi, and Simone Wasserman.  Additional cast includes Art Roberts, Dawna Lee Heising, and fun cameos including Mindy Robinson.

Ain’t It Cool News’ Mark L. Miller says “This throwback to old school low budget slasher films has a lot of moments that made me smile … there are some great moments of gleefully gory and carnage laden scenes … it does slumber party horror with a wink, a nod, and a slash to fans who like low-fi horror.”

Synopsis from the press release:

A 12th grade European History educator, Ty Anderson, whose minor online communication with a teasing student finds him immediately terminated from school grounds and snaps him into a psychotic killing spree, terrorizing his former female students at their slumber party.

Keep up with After School Massacre here: [button type=”link” link=”” size=”btn-sm” variation=”btn-default” target=”blank”][icons icon=”globe” size=”15″] Official Site[/button]  [button type=”link” link=”” size=”btn-sm” variation=”btn-default” target=”blank”][icons icon=”facebook” size=”15″] Facebook[/button]



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