New VOD Release Schedule Page Started

Just some quick Blood Sucking Geek news today, we’ve launched the brand new VOD Release Schedule page! Our goal is to create a one-stop listing of all upcoming Video On Demand releases of horror, cult, and other genre films that we feel our readers would enjoy. We’ll give just a bit of info on each release, but then make sure to link to IMDb, and where possible a Facebook page, for quick access to more info on the film. In the future we should also have quick access to trailers or clips as well.

At the moment it’s still a work in progress, so please feel free to check it out and leave your comments either on this page, or send us an email directly with any thoughts on how we can improve that page. Right now we are still missing many releases, so bear with us as we continue to build the page. However, please don’t hesitate to bring upcoming releases to our attention that we may have missed!

We’ll also be launching a DVD Release Schedule page before too long, so keep an eye out for that as well!

[button type=”link” link=”” size=”btn-lg” variation=”btn-default” target=”blank”]Check out the VOD Release Schedule now![/button]


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2 thoughts on “New VOD Release Schedule Page Started

  1. Looks good, JD! I wish you the best of luck in keeping it updated, because it will make my life easier. lol Thanks for so prominently displaying the Pre’Ween badge. I’m glad to have you on board!


    1. Thanks Brandon! I’ve still got a lot of work to do on it, but I appreciate the well wishes and glad it will be useful! And absolutely, I’m loving Pre’Ween.


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